STODDARD, Erma”Irma”Claudette died on 26th May,2017. Wife of Augustus Dennis Stoddard. Sister of UtilDavis, Lucille Clarke, Lyris Martin, Daphne Erondu, Linda Sterling (dec.), Lorris, Philipsand Stanley Caruth. Sister-in-law of Winston Stoddard, Uzooma Erondu, Benjamin Williams, Theresa Williams, Ursula Mosley, Karen Caruthand Janet Jordan. Aunt-in-law of Adella Pope.
Funeral service at 2.00 pm on Wednesday 14th June, 2017 at the Seventh Day Adventist Church, Singh's Street,T acarigua thence to the Tunapuna Public Cemetery. For enquiries; call C&B: 625-1170 To send condolences please visit our website www.clarkandbattoo.com