ARCHIBALD LIBERT “KENNY” of# 22 Mora Terrace, Boys LaneD'Abadie died on Friday 8thSeptember 2017. He was the sonof Alfred and Mildred Archibald(deceased). Husband of JosephineArchibald (deceased). Brother ofAlan, Rhoda, Shirley, Betty (de-ceased) and Alice. Father of Ali-son, Garfeild, Bernadette, Byron,Crystal and Candice. Grandfatherof Kyle, Marissa, Sean, Mikhail,Makala, Kimoy, Julian, and many others. Great Grandfather ofmany. Uncle of Eunice, Dexter,Clinton, Patsy, Hartley, Anthony,Beverly, Kathleen,Winston, andClive (deceased) and many others.Great Uncle of Inez, Vidya, Fasim-ba and many others. Brother inlaw of Irvin, Angela and Barbara(deceased). Friend of Sagram,Deurine, Nathan, Wayne andmany others. In Law of the Vi-dale's and Waldropt's. Father inlaw of Eugene, Rhette and Marlon.Godfather of Sherma and Daniel.
The funeral servicefor the late Lib-ert “Kenny” Archibald takes placeon Saturday 16th September 2017at 12.00 noon from JUNIOR ARM-STRONG MEMORIAL FUNERALSERVICES CHAPEL # 14 KingStreet, Arima thence to BelgroveFuneral Home Crematorium. Or-ange Grove Road Tacarigua forcremation at 2.00 p.m Enquirescan be made at Armstrong's Ari-ma. Tel: 667-3250/ 776-2613