MC LEAN LILIAN C. departed this life on Wednesday 6thSeptember 2017 from ReidLane Arima at the age of81yrs. She was the daughterof the late Arthur and AlicaMc Lean. Sister of Albert McLean (UK), Gloria Bruce (T&T)and Lorna Rosa Plata (dec.)Mother of Margaret, Kath-leen, Pauline and Elizabeth.Grandmother of Apphia,Deeyente, Kwhame, Jessie,Samantha, Michael, Rachel,Sammie and JHayden. GreatGrand mother of Adian, Ari,Jeremiah, Jasmine, Elijah andAva. Mother in law of MichaelMaxima, Alan Green, JerryMc Dormott and TerrenceSealey. In law of Heather McLean (UK), Irving Bruce andVivian Plata (dec.). Aunt ofCarl (dec.), Victor, Marlean,Stephen, Christine, Neil, An-drew, Theresa, David, Valarie-Ann, Michael and many oth-ers. Relative & Friend of McLean, Reid, James, Payne,Horsham, Beckles, Bains,Carter, Dowdens, Stoutes,Millette, Green, Sealey,Bruce, Plata, Maxima andmany others. The funeral ser-vice for the late Lilian C. McLean takes place on Thursday14th September 2017 at 10.00a.m from the St. Jude's Angli-can Church thence to the Anglican cemetery. RailwayRoad, Arima. The body leavesJUNIOR ARMSTRONGMEMORIAL FUNERAL SER-VICES # 14 King Street, Ari-ma at 9.30 a.m for the Church.Enquires can be made atARMSTRONG'S FUNERALHOME. ARIMA. Tel 667-3250/776-2613