CHIN, SYLVIA (new Wong FoSue) passed away on Thurs-day 14th September, 2017.Beloved wife of Horace Chin(deceased). Mother ofMichael (deceased). Lovingsister of Ivy Martin, BoysieWong Fo Sue and EulinChang, all deceased. Relativeof the Wong Fo Sue, Chin,Martin, Chang and Beddoefamilies. Aunt of many. Friendto many.
Funeral Mass at 8:30am on Wednesday 20thSeptember, 2017 at the As-sumption Church, 70 LongCircular Rd., Maraval, fol-lowed by a private cremation.An offering will be collectedfor the Hassne Home for theAged. No flowers by request.For enquiries; call C&B: (868)625-1170. To send condo-lences please visit our web-site www.clarkandbattoo.com