LEWIS, BRETA formally of Calder Hall Rd, ScarboroughTobago, died on 13th Septem-ber 2017. She was the wife ofWillis Lewis (dec). Mother ofBarbara and Ulyth. Sister ofGodwin, Sybil, Lillis, Ignez,Glenfern, Agnes, Emile (alldeceased) and Winston.Grandmother of Akilah. Moth-er in-law of Jerry Eversley.Aunt of many.
The Funeralservice will take place onTuesday 19th September2017 at the TranquilityMethodist Church, cornerStanmore Road and TragareteRoad Port of Spain at 9:00 amand thence to the Woodbrookcemetery for interment. Forfurther enquiries, Please callClark and Battoo @665-5266.