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FARAH: FRANCES passedaway peacefully on the 11thof September, 2017. Born onthe 1st April, 1941, she wasthe daughter of FrankChookolingo and ZenatoonKhan. Mother of Michael Rah-man, Gilberte O'Sullivan andAnthony Farah. Grandmotherof Faisal, Maryam, Yusuf andGibreel Rahman and Rhian-non, Sinead and Conor O'Sul-livan. Mother-in-law of ValerieRahman and Sean O'Sullivan.Frances also leaves to grieve,Richard Farah and closefriends Aurelia, Margaret,Bernadette, Farida, Gita andClothide.
The funeral mass ofthe late Frances Farah will beheld on Monday 18thSeptember at 10 a.m. at St.Ann's Catholic Church. Pri-vate interment