Channel: The Trinidad Guardian Newspaper - Deathnotices
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BRUCE, PEARL Retired Super-intendent of Police formerlyof Lewis Street, San Fernandodeparted this life on Sunday17th September, 2017 at theage of 86. Pearl will be loving-ly remembered as the: Moth-er of: Jennylynne, Bryant,Carol Collymore, Michael Har-ris, Pamela Ali and every sin-gle Nephew & Niece of hersiblings, as well as those ofher relatives and friends.Grandmother of: Marcus,Candace, Matthieu andChenice Daughter of: The lateCharles and Emyra Bruce Sis-ter of: Ruby Thompson, Thelate Blanche, Susanna, Carl-ton, John, Bernice, Cynthiaand Eleanora (Mirie) Aunt of:Wayne, Kenneth and Wendy-Anne Dick, Ann Balgobin, Kei-th, John Jr. and CharlesBruce, Joan Nunes and Kar-leen Constant, John Adrianand Phillip Arthur C. Thomp-son, Denise-Margaret Thomp-son-Cooper, Michele Samuel,Brian, Bruce and CharleneRamsey, Joseph, Julien andStella Isaac and many othersIn Law of: Errol RamseyCousin of: Iva Byron, LucyPerry and Felicia Jackson Rel-ative of: The Bruce, Dick,Ramsey, Telesford, Valdez,Dash, Jackson, Thompson,Archie and Richardson Fami-lies and many others Friendof: Dr. Gwendolyn Williams,Dr. Claudia Harvey, Mr.Fitzroy Frederick, MyrleRichards, Phyllis and FrankRagoonanan Thanks to Care-givers Carla Batan & JenniferLoubon; San Fernando & Mt.Elvin Baptist Churches

The funeral service for the late PearlBruce will take place onWednesday 20th September,2017 at 9:30 a.m. at FirstChurch of the Open Bible, #8-14 Ruth Avenue, San Fernan-do followed by an Intermentat Tableland Public Cemetery.Enquires can be made at Bel-groves Funeral Home & Cre-matorium at 223-2178. To ex-tend condolences to the fami-ly of Pearl Bruce please logonto www.belgroves.com

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