WILTSHIRE: SELWYN AN-THONY died peacefully at thePOSGH on Tuesday 12thSeptember, 2017. BelovedSon of Wilbert and Rose Wilt-shire (deceased). Father of Si-mon. Brother of Louis,Winthrop (Sherron)(Grenada), Honor (USA), Win-ston, Halcyon Wiltshire-Rouse, Rosina (Jan Loubser)(Barbados), Nathaniel (Mari-lyn) and Lynette (CarlyleSealy-Atwell). Uncle ofColleen Davis, Susan,Michelle, Heather, Charene(USA), Andrei (UK), Nicholas(Dubai), Priscilla, Brian, Gail,Christopher, Raymond, Karen(USA), Tonni (Barbados),Adele (Canada), Fayola,Safiya, Aisha (USA), Damaliand many great nephews andnieces. Relative of the Maugh-an, Alleyne, Brewster, Claxtonand Cox families. SpecialFriend of Sherry-Ann, LennoxBaptiste, the Ince and Rousefamilies, Michael and TheresaNoel, Robert and Florence DeSilva and many others. Mem-ber of The Lydian Singers,Toastmasters and Circle ofPoets.
Funeral service for thelate Selwyn Anthony Wilt-shire takes place at 9:30 amon Wednesday 20th Septem-ber, 2017 at the All Saints An-glican Church, Marli Street,Port-of-Spain thence to TheCinerary, Long Circular Road,St. James for cremation at12:30 pm. No flowers by re-quest. Enquiries, Lee's Funer-al Directors, St. Augustine,663-1010.