GUNNESS: HARRY RAM-LOCHAN aka Lochan retiredsupervisor at P.T.S.C. of 127Batchyia Trace, Penal, passedaway peacefully on Septem-ber 17th, 2017 at the age of78. He will always be lovinglyremembered as the Husbandof Buelah Gunness (Polina)Father of Ronald, Roma, Ra-mona, Rhonda, Romano,Romeo and Romanie Fatherin Law of Jaikaran, Boodlal,Devanand, Zorida, Lelautie,LanaGrandfather of Rene, Ria,Rondell, Reshma, Rajesh,Brandon, Brenton, Riona, Abi-gail, Rennita, Rehanna, Roan-na, Keanan and Kayla GreatGrandfather of Kaylee andRahul Brother of Sugoon,Lalchan, Dip, Harripersad,Dhanpat, Sandra, the lateKhadaroo, Arjoon, Soan,Gaudie and Dootsie In Law ofOliver and Carol Ramnath,Pearly, Maureen and GeraldChin, Cynthia and Rajan Fer-nando, Lynette and JuanitaRamnath, Dhanraj, Lana,Fazia, Zulaika, Andrew andDawn Uncle and Friend ofmany
The funeral service ofthe late HARRY RAMLOCHANGUNNESS will take place onWednesday 20th September,2017 at 8:30 a.m. at the Houseof Mourning 127 BatchyiaTrace, Penal followed by Cre-mation at 11:00a.m. at J. E.Guide Funeral Home & Cre-matorium Ltd. 120 CoffeeStreet, San Fernando. En-quires can be made to J. E.Guide Funeral Home & Cre-matorium Ltd., #120 CoffeeStreet, San Fernando (235-5049/652-4261 or 657-5465).Condolences can be sent toguidesfuneralhome.com.