LESTER GREGORY Teelucks-ingh of #18 Gambal Street,Siparia, departed this life onthe Sunday 17th September,2017. He was the Husband of:Catherine. Son of: The LateNathaniel and Lynotte (bothdeceased). Father of: PaulChristopher, Petrina and Pe-ter. Father in Law of: Anne-Marie and Ian. Grandfather of:Aidan. Brother of: Selvon,Gerald, Pamela (deceased),Elone, Tony and Martin.Brother in law of: Celia,Veena, Trevor, Steve, Paul,Sheila (Deceased) Peter,Joan, Eric, Barbara, Leela,Moses and Lizz.
Funeral Ser-vice for the late Lester Grego-ry Teelucksingh takes placeon Friday 22nd September,2017 at 2:00p.m at the La Div-ina Pastora, Roman CatholicChurch, La Pastora Street,Siparia thence to the SipariaPublic Cemetery for burial. In-quires can be made to Mad-hosingh's Funeral Home Ltd.Tel:649- 5641.