CHANG: JOY (NEE PIERRE) passed away peacefully on the 21st September 2017.Cherished wife of Michael(Choyie) Chang. Belovedmother of Teri Seebaran (Vi-vian), Lindy Borde (Malcolm),Christopher Chang (Eric), Kel-ly de Souza (Geoffrey), PatrickChang (deceased)(Carla).Treasured grandmother ofDominic, Michael, Simon,Charlotte, Alex, Julia, Eva andJoseph.
The service of thanksgiving for her life willtake place on Thursday 28thSeptember 2017 at 10:30 amat St. Finbar's RC Church,Morne Coco Road. Followedby a Private Cremation. A col-lection will be taken up for theSeminary of St. John Vian-ney. For enquiries; call C&B:(868) 625-1170. To send con-dolences please visit our web-site www.clarkandbattoo.com