PACHECO: CYNTHIA (née Lock-hart) passed away on September26, 2017. Wife of OsmondPacheco (deceased). Mother ofKenroy, Terrence, Stewart, Lisa,Roger and Sharon. Grandmotherand great grandmother of many.Mother-in-law of Andrea, Petra,Rhonda, Roxanne, Anthony andRobert. Aunt of many and friendof many.
Funeral service for thelate Cynthia Pacheco takes placeat 9:30am on Monday 02 October,2017 at St Theresa's RC Church,De Verteuil Street, Woodbrook,followed by a private cremation.An offering will be collected forthe Dominica Relief Fund. Noflowers by request. Enquiries,Lees Funeral Directors, St. Au-gustine, 663-1010.