PATRICK, SYBIL The family of Sybil Patrick request the honourof your presence at a special cer-emony as we Celebrate her Life.The Ceremony takes place at St.Theresa's RC Church, Upper SixthAvenue Malick, Barataria on Fri-day 29th September at 10:00A.M. followed by an interment atthe Tunapuna Public Cemetery.Sybil will be lovingly remem-bered as the: Wife of: GeorgeHeadley {dec.} Mother of: Pat,Glenda {dec.}, Junior, Earl, Ingrid,Lenwyn, Kurt & Kester {dec.}Grandmother of: Hollis Jr.,Devon, Keston, Suann, La Toya,Sheena, Kern, Lehesha, Kriston,Dawn & Darryl & many more.Daughter of: Helen & JosephHoward. Sister of: Lenora {dec.},Nita {dec.} & Louis {dec.} GrandGreat mother of: Many. MotherIn Law of: Joan, Rose, Sandra,Lystra, Judy & Juliet Sister In Lawof: Randolph & Tronchin. Aunt of:Ian {dec.}, Irwing, Isidore, Bev-erly-Ann & many others. Relativeof: The Ryans & Antoines.Friendto: The Romanys, Coutree of So-cial Workers & Dicksons. SpecialThanks To: The Staff of My Mom’sSenior Home Care