LEACOCK: CHARLIE JNR.NYERE passed away peacefully 29th September, 2017. Hus-band of Alicia Carasquero Lea-cock. Father of Amaya Leacock. Son of Eleanor and Dominic Leacock. Brother of Julius Leacock and Nola Leacock Headley Leacock. Uncle of Kasia Headley. Cousin of Derrick Francois, Edward Fountain.Son in law of Randolph Carasquero. Brother in law of Marcelle Carasquero, Andrea Carasquero Uncle in law of Alexandria and Darcelle Carasquero. family and friend too many.Special thanks to his PCS NITROGEN family, all of his close friends. Special mention to MrIan Reyes, Mr. Ian kalloo, Ms Julia Gomez, Ms Nicolette, Ms.Gail, Mr. Alex Purcelle and many many others too numerous to mention.
Funeral at 8.30 a.m.on Thursday 19th October, 2017 at Church of the Nativity, Crystal Stream, Diego Martin thence to the Woodbrook Cemetery, Mucurapo Road for interment.A collection will be taken up for the Dominica Relief Fund. Forenquiries, call C&B 625-1170 or visit www.clarkandbattoo.com