HALL: CLEMENTINA age 89 years, of 1 Francis Street,Old Arima Road, Arima, died on 21st October, 2017, at the Keeping Families Together Longer Geriatric Home, #2 4th Street West, Beaulieu Avenue,Trincity. Clementina Hall was an Ex-Councilor in the St.George East County Council.Wife of the late Arthur Hall.Mother of Sandra Dunphy (UK). Grandmother of Lisa Badman-Dunphy. Great Grandmother of Ella Badman-Dunphy. Relative of the Bartlett family. Friend of many. Funeral service for the late Clementina Hall takes place at 10:00 am on Tuesday October 31, 2017 at the Santa Rosa RC Church, Arima. Thence to the Santa Rosa RC Cemertery. Enquiries, Lee's Funeral Directors, St. Augustine, 663-1010.