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JOHNSON (NEE HITCHINS),ELIZABETH ANN (BETTY) of Gainesville, Georgia, U.S.A.Passed away on October 24th,2017, after an extended illness at her home. Betty is survived by her husband of 52 years, Richard (Eddie) Edward Johnson; three children, Gary,Scott and Jason; daughters-in-law Elaine Johnson; Kahla Lewis; eight grandchildren;her brother, William E. (Bill) Hitchins; and nephews and nieces. She was the daughter of Courtenay E. Hitchins, late editor and managing director of the Trinidad Guardian, and the late Ivy Hitchins. Betty was born in Trinidad in 1939 and, after marriage, lived in Bermuda where her children were born; she then moved with her family to Miami,Florida, U.S.A. And later to Gainesville where she settled for 30 years. She was cremated on October 26th and a memorial service was held on October 30th at Victory Baptist Church in Gainesville.