RAJPAUL: DARRYL, TROYA.K.A. RAJ, Doc and Stoppy will forever be lovingly remembered as the husband of Pearlin Henry Rajpaul. Fatherof Kedane, Xavier and Yevan Rajpaul. Grandfather of Kai Rajpaul. Son of Gloria and Eric Rajpaul. Step son of Terry Jobity. Brother of Roddy Jobity and Jenna Jobity Felix.Grandson of Mamin Rajpaul. Uncle of Jervais Jobity. Broth-er-in-law of Wendell Felix,Patrice Henry, Dexter Henry,Alston Spencer & Tasha Ramcharan. Council Member (Belmont East) of the Port of Spain City Corporation. Abeloved member of the Desperados Steel Orchestra and beloved friend of many too numerous to mention. Funeral at 10.00 a.m. on Thursday 23rd November, 2017 at HolyTrinity Cathedral, Hart Street,Port of Spain followed by cremation at the Crematorium,Long Circular Road. St. James for 2.00 p.m. For enquiries,call C&B 625-1170 or visit http;//www.clarkandbattoo.com