BEDDOE; ENA (nee Stephens)passed away peacefully on Wednesday 13th December,2017. Wife of the late Eric Bed-doe. Mother of Beatrice (Betty) Mc Shine, Wayne (deceased), and Kurt. Mother-in-law of Arthur Mc Shine (deceased), Ingrid and Maureen. Sister of Lance (deceased),Barbara King (deceased), Kenwyn (U.K.), Blair (deceased), Ivis Gibson (deceased), Irma Gilkes, Angela,Caryle, Doreen Rajnauth (U.K.), Meleese Balderamos (Belize) and Cassandra Zamore. Grand motherof Christopher, Nicholas and Bianca Hassanali. Relative of the Balderamos, Beddoe, Gibson,Monsanto, Ragnauth, Steele and Stephens families. Funeral Massat 8.45 a.m. on Tuesday 19th December, 2017 at St. Patrick's R.C.Church, Maraval Road, Newtown followed by a private burial. For enquiries, call C&B 625-1170 orvisit http;//www.clarkandbattoo.com