HAREWOOD: CYNTHIA, aged 82 of La Reine Court, Flagstaff, died in Canada on 22nd February, 2018. Daughter of Sylvester and Nora Harewood. Sister of Esla Crawford, Ainsworth, Michael and Emlyn. Sister-in-law of Clyde Crawford (deceased), Joyce, Maxine and Eastlyn. Aunt of Brian, Dexter and Ar-lene Crawford, Kurt, Michele, Michael, Seun, Laomi, Mark, Stacey and Brian Harewood. Great aunt of 11. Cousin of Rupert Papin, Oswald, An-nette and Desmond Valdez, Wynette, Winthrop, Wilford, Yvonne, Myrtle, Vernon, Carl, Ethelbert and others, the Sherwoods, Sinclairs and Dominiques. A memorial Service will be held at the Holy Trinity Cathedral, Aber-cromby Street, Port- of- Spain on Saturday 10th March at 10:00am.