Lynette Harry nee Stanford formerly of # 1 Perkins Street, Arouca, died 13th May, 2018 at the age of 73. She was the wife of Coleridge Harry. Mother of Hayden, Heather, Hammond, Heidi, Haloma and Hazelle. Grandmother of Danielle Suite, Malachi and Mikaia Harry Ab-bott and Julien Harry. Sister of Valda Stanford, Bernadette and Maureen. Mother-in-law of Dr. Vaughn Suite, Dr. Michelle Wil-liams, Andre Thomas and Ricardo Abbott. Sister-in-law of Kenrick, Elna, Glenda, Sharon, Keith, Esdel and Maria. Niece of Anita Worrell. Cousin of The Latmores, Smiths, Edwards, Critchlows, Woolfords. Friend of The Norvilles, June Williams, Earline Edwards, Paula Irish, Alicia Stafford Nadine Stoute, Shirlan Mc Pherson, Finchy and Ragoo. Funeral will take place on Friday 18th May, 2018 at 10 am at the D’Abadie Seventh Day Adventist Church followed by a 2pm cremation at the Belgroves Crematorium, Tacarigua.