EUSTACE: MAUREEN of the Soroptimist Home 6th Street, Gopaul Lands, Marabella passed away on May 20th, 2018 at the age of 76. She was the Wife of the late Norris Eustace. Daughter of the late George and Paulina Bryce. Sister of Elisa Davis, Bi-anca Ramberansingh, Anthony Bryce, Louie Bryce, Dian Lalla and Margaret Bharat. Sister-in-law of Steve Davis, Clinton Ramberansingh, Elizabeth Bryce, Cora Bryce, Darryl Lalla and Chirgwin Bharath. Aunt of Richard, Rhonda, Raymond & Robert Davis, Gillian Robbins, Nigel & Craig Ramberansingh, Mark, Marsha & Matthew Bryce, Paulina, Nickki and Louie Jr. The Funeral Service of the late MAU-REEN EUSTACE will take place on Thursday 24th May, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. at the St. Benedict’s Roman Catholic Church, Alice Street, La Romain followed by Burial at Roodal Public Cemetery. Enquires can be made to J. E. Guide Fu-neral Home & Crematorium Ltd., #120 Coffee Street, San Fernando (235-5049/652-4261 or 657-5465). Condolences can be sent to guidesfuneralhome.com.