BLAKE: EDITH EMERALD NEWSAM died on 18th May 2018. Wife of Paul Blake. Mother of Daniel Blake, Cleon Blake, David Blake and Charlene Blake-Phillips. Sister of Jean(deceased), Marva, Keith, Mervyn(deceased) and Marlene. Aunt of Roger, Ray, Stacy, Bevon, Candy, Ron, Travis, Dwight, David, Diana and many others. Sister in law to Andrew, Louise, Yuonne, Cheryl, Claudette, Cranston, and many others. Mother in law to Keshell, Dina and Jahmo. Grandmother of Daynelle, Danielle, Amar, Aman-die, Daniel, Jahmal, Charlize, Dar-ius and Decland. Great Aunt of many. Family of the: Blake, Jules, Josephs and Newsam. Friend of: Monica, Yette, Malisa, Carol and many others. Funeral service on Friday 25th May 2018 at 1:30pm from Good Shepherd Anglican Church Freeling Street Tunapuna thence to the Tacarigua Cremato-rium for 5pm.