KISHORE VERONICA also known as Carla of 237 Waterloo Road, Carapichaima died on12th August 2016 Wife of Soogrim Frank Kishore Mother of Annmarie and Rosemarie Grandmother of Isafil Shah Mother in Law of the late Eric Shah akso known as Shaz Sister of Cynthia Kishore and Harold, Alice and Indra Bridgemohan and the late Rosie Ramkaran, B.M. Singh, Boysie, Jasso and Parasnajit Bridgemohan
Funeral takes place on Wednesday 17th August 2016 at 8.30am from the House of Morning 237 Waterloo Road, Carapichaima thence at 10.00am at the Lady of Mt. Carmel Roman Catholic Church (St. Mary's Junction Freeport) and thence to the Waterloo Cremation Site for Cremation