Anthony Charles : departedthis life on Saturday 10th December, 2016 at Port of SpainGeneral Hospital at the ageof 64 .Husband of: Anesta Charles Father of : Roger Charles andJoel Charles Adopted Father of: Michelle Poyer Grandfather of: Lonnelle Poyer Great Grand Father of: Athena and Arianna Brother of: Kenneth,Stephen, Lester, Nola, Joan,Marcia .Uncle of: ManyCousin of: Many Nephew of: Rosie Greenidge
The funeral service for the late takes place on Saturday 17th December, 2016 at 9:00am at Belgroves MemorialChapel followed by a 11:00am cremation at BelgrovesCrematorium #10 OrangeGrove Road, Trincity 223-2178 Ext. 556. To offer condolences to the family pleasego to