RALPH PRECILLA:Formerlyof Sinanan Gardens, LowerSanta Cruz departed this life onTuesday 27th December 2016.He will be lovingly rememberedas the:Husband of:Patricia PrecillaFather of:Gerard and VincentGrandfather of:Alex and TaiSon of:The late Isabella Pre-cilla and Celistino PrecillaBrother of: Gloria, Steve,Roland, Tony, Joe, Andy, Earl,Terrence, Ainsley, Cynthia(Dec.), Angela (Dec.), andPatrick (Dec.).
The funeral service for the lateRalph Precilla takes place onTuesday 3rd January 2017 from11:00am at Mary ImmaculateQueen Of The Universe, BourgMulatresse, Lower Santa Cruzfollowed by a 2:00pm cremationat Belgroves Crematorium #10Orange Grove Road, Trincity223-2178 Ext. 556. To offercondolences to the familyplease go towww.belgroves.comIn