FITZPATRICK: ENID VENUS(nee Rampersaud) passedaway peacefully on SundayJanuary 1st, 2017 surroundedby her loved ones. Enid wasthe beloved wife of the lateAlvin Fitzpatrick Snr. Cherished mother of Sandra(James McElligott deceased), Kenneth (Christiane Fitzpatrick), Charlene(Sudeesh Shivarattan - deceased) and Alvin (Carol Gobin).
As the warm, affectionate Grandmother of Sean(Seamus and Damian deceased), Emily, Chantal, TaraGita, Justin, Adrian and ShariGreat Grandmother of DeclanRonan, Maya and AnjaliMama Enid shared a deepbond with her family. Shewas the Aunt of Sonaba Boodhram and special lifelong friend of Jeanesta Agard. During the last fouyears she was lovingly caredfor by her nurses SandraBobb and Donna Williams
Funeral service for the lateEnid Fitzpatrick takes place a10:00 a.m. on Saturday 7thJanuary, 2017 at The SacredHeart R. C Church, 21 Richmond Street, Port of SpainPrivate Cremation. For enquiries call R. M. de SouzaMemorial Chapel Limited 2232007/637-200DOLLAND