AHYE; MOYLIN age 74 of 12Bigyard Road, Carenagepassed away 29th December,2016. Daughter of the lateYvonne Pierre and Ellis Ahye.Beloved of Desmond Phillips(deacesed). Mother of DeleneAhye (USA), Denise Ahye-Phillips and Donnalla Ahye.
Grandmother of Quacy Hors-ford (USA), Jerome Cum-mings (USA), Dominic and Nicholi Ramcharitar. Sister of Anthony “Robinson” Pierre(deceased), Angela, Emris(USA) and Judy (England).Neice of Emelda Luke (USA),Lucille Anthony (deceased), Camila “Irene” Lavene (de-ceased), Boyie Ahye and oth-ers. Cousin of Leon Anthony,Velda Anthony-Cox, Elizabeth“Betty” Anthony, Maria An-thony, Grete Anthony,Doreen Fabien, Steven LukeJr., Dr. John Luke (USA), Dr.Michael Luke (USA), Debra,Ed Watson, Lloyd Ahye,Sheila, Terrance and manyothers.
Aunt of Sheldon,Sean, Avalon, Shane, Anne,Lorna, Lisa, Linda, Lystra,Zaqq, Ciefa, Tyler (USA),Brandon (USA), Vanessa,Cindy, Skeffington, Shennel,Shalice, Safiya, Saphire, Sta-cy (USA), Kevin, Jacinta,Shannon, Travis, Shekeila,Leigh, Kayla, Curt, Carla, Car-ol and others.
Relative of theAhye, Anthony, Fabien, Se-bro, Sinnette and Lavennefamilies and others. In-Law ofMr. Andre Cox, Steven LukeSr. (deceased), MerleRichards, Rita Pierre, Cindy,Cheryl Nelson, Claude andothers. Good friend of LindaAchille-Brewster, Earl Mark,Joseph, Agnes, Joycie, Joyce,Magnus, Carol, Veron, Phyllis,Glenda, Princess, Jacqueline,Brenda, Gloria, Yolande, Mr.Pierre, all her friends at themall and others.
Funeral at3.00 p.m. on Friday 6th Jan-uary, 2017 at St. Peter's R.C.Church, Constabulary Street,Carenage followed by inter-ment at the Carenage PublicCemetery. For enquiries, callC&B 625-1170 or visitclarkandbattoo.comDeath