MAHABIR: STEPHEN former-ly of Freeport died peacefullyat the Eric Williams MedicalSciences Complex at the ageof 74. He was the son of Roderick Mahabir. Husband of Christabelle Mahabir NeeDalip. Father of Ava Mahabir-Dass and Alicia Mahabir. Grandfather of Jenna andJohn-Paul Dass. Brother of:Doderidge (Deceased), Ronald, Leslie (Deceased), Simon and Robert . Father-in-Law of Jai Dass and BryanRegis. Brother-in-Law of Rawle Dalip and RosellaDalip-Austad .
The funeralservice for the late Stephen Mahabir takes place on Saturday 08th April, 2017 at 10:00am at Nister Presbyteri-an Church Chase Village, Fol-lowed by 2:00pm cremation Belgroves Crematorium 107-109 Coffee Street, San Fernando. In Lieu of flowers acollection will be taken for the work of the Church. Funeral Arrangements entrusted to Belgroves Funeral Home Edinburgh Village Chaguanas. 223-2178 Ext. 523. To offer condolences to the family please go to www.belgroves.com