HUDSON: Albert Passed Peaceful on Thursday 6th April 2017. Husband of Claudette (46 Years). Fathersof Matthew, Marcus, Michelle, Maurice, Alicia, Cheryl & Eri-ca. Grandfather of Micah, Emily, Cheynne, Enya, Adriana, Skye, Shafia & Syri. Brother of Gem, Gwenith, Greville, Debra, Donna, Richard & Kent (decd). Brother-in-law of Sr Claire, Sr Mary Martin, Angela, Patrick, Mona & Gerald. Uncle of 36.
Funeral Mass of Albert Hudson takes place at 9:00 a.m.on Tuesday 11th April 2017, from St. Patricks R.C.Church, Newtown thence tothe Crematorium, Long Circular Rd. St. James for 11:00a.m. No Flowers By Request.For further enquiries please contact C&B 625-1170. To send condolences, please visit http://www.clarkandbattoo.-com/.