RAMKOON: DAISY PARBATIENEÉ PERSAD of 5 Alies Terrace, College Road, Tunapuna died on April 18th 2017 Original Member of Aramalaya Golden Years, Tunapuna. Wife of Roland (teacher Jit) Retired Principal. Mother of Dennis (Rite Aid PharmacyTunapuna), Florabelle (Canada), Ronald (Canada) and Desmond (Ramkoon's Pharmacy, Mayaro). Mother-in-law of Parbatie and Aneesa.
Grandmother of Dinelle. Sister of Seeranie Maharaj, RosyRamjattan, Joyce Mohammed, Sankar, Sumair, Kelvin and Alvin Persad (all deceased), Lily Latchman, Dulcie Ramkoon, Elsie Sinanan, Irvin and Selwyn. Aunt of Rosabelle Ramsubhag, Annabelle Albert and many others Relative of Mahadaye Arumugam (England), and the Ramsaroop, Dhanessar, Sahibdeen, Ramdeen,Rambaran, Latchman families and many others. Friend and relative of many.
Funeral service for the late Daisy Parbatie Ramkoon takes place at 9:30 am on Friday 21st April, 2017 at the Aramalaya Church, Cochrane Street, Tunapuna thence to the Caroni Cremation Site, Caroni. Enquiries, Lee's Funeral Directors, 663-1010.