GILL: VANESSA SAMMY formally of #24 Railway Road, Reform Village, Gasparillo passed away on Sunday April 16th, 2017 at the age of 40. She was the daughter of the late Narine and Sylvia Sammy. Wife of Errol Miller Gill. Sister of Elizabeth, Carol, Pamela, Roddy, Kenny, Ruddy, Raymond, Ronald, Tony, Brian and Cindy Aunt of manyIn law of the Gill family
TheFuneral of the late VANESSASAMMY GILL will take place on Friday 21st April, 2017 at the House of Mourning #24 Railway Road, Reform Village, Gasparillo from 1:00p.m. followed by a Funeral Mass at 2:00 p.m. at the St.Paul's Chapel, Hardbargain,Williamsville, thence to the Eckles Village cemetery forburial. Enquires can be madeto J. E. Guide Funeral Home & Crematorium Ltd., #120Coffee Street, San Fernando(652-4261 or 657-5465).