WARD: Inez of #263 CaratalRoad, Gasparillo pass away on May 19th, 2017 at the ageof 70. Wife of Errol Ward. Mother in law of Kevin, Elicia and Don. Eileen, Clyde, Ivaand Cynthia. Sister in law of Lenore Joseph Grandmotherof Vanessa, Miguel, Maegan and five (5) others. Aunt of Karen, Clint, Cheryl, Liselle and six (6) others. Relative ofthe Villaruel, Henry, Downing, Williams and Joseph families. Friend of Ann, Norma and Radica.
The Funeral Service of the late INEZ WARD will take place on Wednesday 24th May, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. atthe Sacred Heart RomanCatholic Church, Caratal Road, Gasparillo followed by burial at the Churchyard Cemetery. Enquires can be made to J.E. Guide Funeral Home & Crematorium Ltd.,#120 Coffee Street, San Fernando (652-4261 or 657-5465).