DAVIS; Edmund of 66 Pioneer Drive, Mt. Hope died on Tuesday May 23, 2017. Brother of Annette, Kathleen, Yvonne, Cyril, Angela, Trevor and Neville. Uncle of Sherry-Anne, Jeanette, Nicole, Deniece, Sasha, Anthony Jr., Richard, Michael, Antonio, Ricardo, Carlos, Marios and Renelle, Great uncle of Brianna, Camryn, Paige, Marley, Mia and Jayden.
Brother-in-law of Desmond Mark and Charlene Davis. Uncle in-law of Robert Brathwaite, Julio Caesar de Montenegro and Gabriella Davis deGraterol. Cousin of the Davis, Mahase, Bailey and Alexander families, Friend of Lyndhurst, Josie, Marli and manyothers.
Funeral service onFriday May 26, 2017 at 10.00a.m. from the Church of theHoly Family, 8th Street, Mt.Lambert thence to the Mucu-rapo Cemetery. For en-quiries, call C&B 625-1170 orvisit clarkandbattoo.com