RAMBASSIE LUTCHMIN SOOKRAJ age 92of 68 JogieRoad San Juan passed awaypeacefully on Saturday 16thSeptember 2017 Beloved wifeof the late Basdeo Sookraj De-voted mother of Krishna (Da)and Radha of Toronto, Cana-da Mother in Law of Indra andKrishna Grandmother of Sav-itri, Indar, Nisha, Jaya, Shami,Jeeta, Runa and Prithu GreatGrandmother of Nine Grand-mother in Law of Prior, Neil,Sean, Kevin and Pradeep
Funeral takes place on Thursday21st September 2017 at10.00am from the House ofMourning thence to the Ca-roni Cremation Site for Cre-mation according to HinduRites