RAMNATHSINGH, INDRA,former principal of MucurapoJunior Seconday School,passed away on Friday 15thSeptember, 2017 at her resi-dence at #65 First Street, FiveRivers, Arouca. Indra will for-ever and always be lovinglyremembered as the: Daughterof: The late Mr. and Mrs.Ramnathsingh of Cap-de-Ville, Point Fortin Sister of:Sarojini, the late Ramesh, Pre-manand and SeromanieNiece of: Savitri Seemungaland Ramdath RamkissoonSister in Law of: Josephineand Cecelia Aunt in Law of:Sasha Great Aunt of: Anjuliand Daniel Aunt of : Lisa andLester Cousin of: Many Friendand Mentor to: Margaret,Tiny, Genevieve and manyothers
The Funeral Service forthe late Indra Ramnathsinghtakes place on Friday 22ndSeptember, 2017 from 3:30P.M. at Belgroves MemorialCentre and Crematorium at#10 Orange Grove Road,Trincity followed by a 5:00pmCremation. For further infor-mation please contact Bel-groves Funeral Home at 223-2178 Ext 556. To offer condo-lences to the family please goto www.belgroves.com