GOPIECHAND: VISHNU (Supa) of 227 Arquat Village,Penal. Television repair tech-nician of Duncan Village, SanFernando Departed this lifeon Monday, 18th September,2017. He was the husband ofPamela, father of Niclos, Alliyah and Keri. Grandfatherof Zaniyah. Father-in-law ofMacy, brother of Raj, Sandraand Radha. Uncle of Shania,Aaron, Paige, Tramaine andmany others, friend of many.
Funeral service for the lateVishnu Gopiechand (Supa)will take place at 3:00pm onSaturday 23rd September,2017 from the house ofmourning to St. Dominic R.C.Church, Oliverie Drive, Penaland thence to the BelgrovesCrematoriam for cremation.The body shall repose at thehouse of mourning from1:00pm. Enquires can bemade at Boodoo's FuyneralHome Penal. Tel: 647-7527