SCOTT: SUZANNE LISA(SUZIE) NEE MAY passedaway peacefully on Wednes-day 20th September, 2017 atthe Living Water Hospice.Mother of Joseph Mc Caffrey,Jason (Slovakia) and DominicScott. Daughter of the latePeter and Joan May. Sister ofRobert (deceased), Judy(Canada) and Patricia (USA).Grandmother of Valentina(Slovakia). Mother-in-law ofJanka (Slovakia). Sister-in-law of Kathleen and the lateGeoffrey Smart and WayneDean. Suzie was loved andcared for by Nigel, Minnie,Rowena, David, Claire,Christopher and Celia. Rela-tive of the May family.Friend to many.
Funeral Mass at 10.30 a.m. on Tues-day 26th September, 2017 atSt. Ann's R.C. Church, St.Anns followed by a privatecremation. No flowers by re-quest. A collection will betaken up for the Living WaterHospice. For enquiries, callC&B 625-1170 or visitwww.clarkandbattoo.com