JENVY ZULAIKA (BABY) Jdeparted this life Thursday21st September, 2017 at theage of 71. Mother of:Nazradeen Mohammed,Zaiodeen Mohammed, TeresaJenvy and Anisah Jenvy. Sis-ter of: Jamilla Hosein (de-ceased), Asgar Ali (deceased),Esau Mohammed and Shy-roon Ramkalawan. Grand-mother of: Neil Mohammed,Nalisa Mohammed, RaniRoopan, Angelie Roopan,Justyn Roopan, Akeem Jenvyand Eli Subar. Great Grand-mother of: Neevan Mo-hammed, Kaymein Badri-narayan and Naveed Sagram.Best friend to: Coreen Johnand Suzy Best. Ex-Wife of:Keith Jenvy.
The Funeral Service for the late Zulaika (Baby)Jenvy takes place on Satur-day 23rd September, 2017 at12:00 pm, Shekinah WorshipCenter, Balthazar Street Tuna-puna followed by a privatecremation For Further infor-mation contact Belgroves at223-2178. No flowers by re-quest. To offer condolencesto the family please go towww.belgroves.com