HARPER: RITA RUBINA, 96,originally from Chinapoo Vil-lage, Morvant, died peacefullyon Friday, September 15,2017. Daughter of FrederickAlbert and Josephine Harper(both deceased). Sister ofMay, Theresa Callendar, AnneWilson, Neville (all deceased)and Christina Albuquerque.Sister-in-law of William Cal-lendar and Oswald Wilson(both deceased). Aunt of theCallendars - Maria (deceased),Joy (deceased), Karl, Michael,Arnold, Carol, Russel, Jil-leanne, Ken; the Wilsons - Bri-an, Joanne, Paul, Michelle,Maria, Fulton, Jacinta,Richard, Francis, Ingrid,Rachel, Kisha; and the Albu-querques- Peter, John, Ana,Linda and Monique. Greataunt of Leneika, Lisa-Marieand many more. Relative ofthe Rimples, De Leons andothers. She was a former em-ployee of Angostura and as adevoted parishioner of St. Do-minic's R.C. Church, Morvant,became the first female mem-ber of The St Dominic's St.Vincent de Paul (SVP) Confer-ence. She was also a memberof The Golden Girls CatholicGroup.
The funeral of Rita Rubina Harper will take place onWednesday, September 27th,2017 from Our Lady of Lour-des Chapel, Tacarigua at11:00am thence to the Lapey-rouse Cemetery. A collectionwill be taken up for the St.Vincent De Paul Society. Forenquiries; call C&B: (868) 625-1170. To send condolencesplease visit our websitewww.clarkandbattoo.com