LASSALLE MARGARET AnnDenise Gone to rest, 13th Dec1953- 18th Sept 2017. Daugh-ter of the Late Lt. Col JohnDesmond & Mrs. MargaretLuke. Mother of: Christian &Nigel Lassalle, Kaisha & MarcHazel. Sister of: Dion, GerryLuke & Charlotte Kelsick.Grandmother of Nicholai, Do-minicke & Ethan Lassalle,Adrianna Perez & HayleyHazel. Mother in Law of:Natasha Lassalle, VictorPerez, Mindy Gopaul & Annal-isa Sinkia. Sister in Law ofBrenda Luke & Theresa Luke.
Funeral service at 9.00 am onThursday 28th September,2017 at All Saints AnglicanChurch, Marli Street, thenceto the Lapeyrouse Cemetery.For enquiries; call C&B: 625-1170. To send condolencesplease visit our websitewww.clarkandbattoo.com