THOMPSON: THERESA age88 years of Valsayn Parkpassed away on 20th Septem-ber, 2017. Daughter of Assangand Eleanora Thomas. Wife ofFrank Thompson. Mother ofMario, Paul, Emilio, Larry, Su-san, Nicholas, Walter and Pe-ter Thompson. Grandmotherof 11. Great Grandmother of2. Sister of Irene, Margaret,Jesus, Isola, Cecelia, Angela,Ernest, Pedro, Carlos,Raphael, Ursula and Maggie.
Funeral mass for the lateTheresa Thompson takesplace at 10:30 am on Tuesday26th September, 2017 at theFatima R.C Church, BusheStreet, Curepe thence to theSan Juan R.C Cemetery, SanJuan. Enquiries, Lee's FuneralDirectors, St. Augustine, 663-1010.