CHANG: JOY (ness Pierre) passedaway peacefully on the 21stSeptember 2017. Cherished wifeof Michael (Choyie) Chang.Beloved mother of Teri Chang-Seebaran (Vivian). Lindy Borde(Malcom), Christopher Chang(Eric), Kelly De Souza (Geoffrey),Patrick Chang (deceased) (Carla).Treasured grandmother of Do-minic, Michael, Simon, Charlotte,Alex, Julia, Eva and Joseph. Sisterof Terry Pierre (deceased), CurtisPierre, Ian Pierre, Sheila Gittens,Janet Jardine (Deceased).
The Service of thanksgiving for her lifewill take place on Thursday 28thSeptember 2017 at 10:30 am atSt. Finbars RC Church, MorneCoco Road. Followed by a privateCremation. A collection will betaken up for the Seminary of St.John Vianney. For enquiries; callC&B: (868) 625-1170. To send con-dolences please visit our websitewww.clarkandbattoo.com