DE VERTEUIL, GEOFFREY (akaSpongy) passed away peacefullyon Sunday 24th September 2017at the age of 56. Son of the lateEsmé and Peggy de Verteuil. Hus-band of Marcia (née Lee). Fatherof Joseph and Lee. Brother ofCelia (deceased), Paul, Rosemary,Raymond, Claudia and Andrew.Brother-in-law of Ginny, Stuart,Clareanne, Peter, Christine; LisaLee, Christine and Rodney Sayney.Son-in-law of Sydney and JeanLee. Treasured friend of many.
Funeral service for the late Geoffreyde Verteuil takes place at St. An-thony's Church, Morne Coco Road,Petit Valley on Friday 29thSeptember, 2017 at 10:30am,thence to St. James Crematorium.Funeral entrusted to C&B. For en-quiries, please contact ChancellorWalks Funeral Services, 287-0403/04.