CHARLES MCDONALD CLARKE formerly of Pleasantville departedthis life on Saturday 23rd Septem-ber, 2017 at the age of 95. He willbe lovingly remembered as the:Son of: The late Anastasia ClarkeFather of: Patricia, Cornelius,Damian and the late Yvonne JohnByerGrandfather of: Lisa JohnAdams, Wendy John, Wendell,Daniel, Denise, Denielle, Darien,Isabella and Charles Great Grand-father of: Seven (7) Great GreatGrandfather of: One (1) Relativeof: Clarke and Paul Families
The tributel service for the late CharlesMcDonald Clarke will take placeon Saturday 30th September,2017 at 10:00 a.m. at St. JosephRoman Catholic Church, TorranceStreet, Mon Repos, San Fernandofollowed by interment at RoodalCemetery, Broadway. Enquirescan be made at Belgroves FuneralHome & Crematorium at 223-2178. To extend condolences tothe family of Charles McDonaldClarke logon to www.belgroves.com