HOSPEDALES: MYRTLE daughterof Clifford Hospedales and EdnaRobinson (both deceased). Moth-er of Roderick Hospedales (de-ceased), Lerine and Judie Mo-hammed, Marilyn Hospedales,Symoniez Clouston, TheodoraKim Mohammed-Gooding. Grand-mother of Stacey Hospedales,Michael Myer Jr., Marc AnthonySingh, Kimberly & Kyle Gooding,Gerard, Greer, Gabrielle & GreggKurbanali. Great grandmother ofEnrique Singh, Ocean MacKenzieand Marcellus Myer. Mother inlaw of John Clouston.
Funeral service will take place on Friday 29thSeptember 2017 at 9:00 am fromChurch at the nativity thence tothe Woodbrook cemetery for in-terment. For enquiries; call C&B:(868) 625-1170. To send condo-lences please visit our websitewww.clarkandbattoo.com