DINNOO, VITALINE formerly ofSan Francique departed this lifeon 28th September, 2017 at theage of 82. Vitaline will be lovinglyremembered as the: Daughter of:The late Sukhia and RamcharanNyack Wife of: The late DanielDinnoo Mother of: Dennise andDianne Grandmother of: Denisha,Renisha, Maria, and Josh Sister of:Pearl, Ruth, Celia, Molly, Boysie,Helen, Wesley and Samuel Auntof: Aaron and many others Cousinof: Rosemarie, Veronica, Boye, Belland Edward Mother in Law of:Shaffick Mohammed Relative of:Dinnoo and Karim Families Friendof: Paulina, Iris and Ruby andMany others
The funeral servicefor the late Vitaline Dinnoo willtake place on Monday 2nd Octo-ber, 2017 at 1:00 pm at the SipariaSeventh Day Adventist Church,Station Street Siparia followed bya 5:00 pm cremation at BelgrovesCrematorium. Enquires can bemade at Belgroves Funeral Home& Crematorium at 223-2178. Toextend condolences to the familyof Vitaline Dinnoo please logon towww.belgroves.com