WE REMEMBER how you lovedus to your death. GRIFFITH: MAR-LENE FRANCIS formerly of Bel-mont departed this earth onSeptember 26th, 2017. Marlenewas the first-born to Haldan (de-ceased) and Monica (deceased).Sister of Noel (deceased) Dave,Denise and Martin. Sister in- lawof Grace, Susan, Judy. Aunt ofAyanna, Majean, Takisha,Nekeisha, La Toya, Nicholas, Tinni-tia and Christine. Great- aunt ofKeishon and Elijah. Friend, Akela,Honorary Mother and Grand-mother to many.
The funeral service for the beloved Marlene Grif-fith takes place at 10:00 am onMonday 2nd October, 2017 at theSt. Francis Pastoral Centre of St.Francis Roman Catholic Church,Belmont Circular Road, Belmont.No flowers by request howeverdonations can be made to the St.Francis Church(Belmont) Restora-tion Fund, St Andrews Home forthe Aged (Belmont) or the ScoutAssociation of Trinidad and Toba-go. Enquiries, Lee's Funeral Direc-tors, 663-1010.