GARIB: ISABELLE of 13A Coblentz Avenue, Cascadeformerly of Issac TraceMorne Diablo passed awayon January 2nd, 2017 at theage of 64. She was the daughter of the late Robert & EstheGarib. Sister of Samuel, Francis, Elvina, the late AaronGarib. Sister-in-law of Rookmin, Myrtle, the late SitaGarib. Aunt and Mother oDennis, Ryan, Brian, LauraLystra, Nigel, Mary, the lateLennox Garib. Grandmotheof Dimitri, Faith and Annalysa. Niece of Roseabel(Canada) and Lazarina. Friendof many. Relative of theBharose family and many others.
The funeral service of thelate ISABELLE GARIB will takeplace on Thursday 5th January, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. at J. EGuide Funeral Home & Crematorium Ltd. #120 CoffeeStreet, San Fernando followed by Cremation at 5 p.mEnquires can be made to J. EGuide Funeral Home & Crematorium Ltd., #120 CoffeeStreet, San Fernando (6524261 or 657-5465).