GOPAUL, JOYCE age 84 diedpeacefully at her residence #19 Mausica Road DAbadieOn Thursday 29th Decembe2016. She was the Wife oCarson Gopaul (dec.) Motheof Adele, Claudia (dec), Nancy(dec), and Sr. Susan O.P. Sister in Law of Elsie, Martin(dec), Fay, Jackie, Herber(dec), Ian, and Clive Aunt oMany Special Auntie of Donna Woo, and Sr. AeleenBesson O.P. Very close friendof Dr. Tennyson Sieunarineand Dr. Raphael How Chung
Funeral Mass for the lateJoyce Gopaul was on Tuesday 3rd January 2017 a11.30a.m. at Santa Rosa Roman Catholic Church, Woodford Street, Arima thence tothe Industry Cemetry. The body was remove to thehouse of mourning #19 Mausica Road DAbadie fo9.00a.m Enquires can bemade at Junior ArmstrongMemorial Funeral Services#14 King Street, Arima. Tel667- 3250/ 776- 2613.