NIMBLETT: LENNOX, aka'Tom', retired Sergeant (Special Branch) TTPS, passedaway peacefully on Tuesday20th December, 2016. Son oLeonizer (deceased). Brotheof Yvonne. Nephew oMendes, Howard, AlvaGeorge and Wooddrow (aldeceased), Edna Stewart andEvelyn Edwards. Uncle oCatherine (deceased), SteveSterling and Stephen. Cousinof Lennie, Ruthven, YolanCuthbert, Lynn and many others. Relative of the Nimbletand Stewart Families. Member of St. Finbar's R. CChurch Choir.
Funeral servicefor the late Lennox Nimblettaka 'Tom' takes place at 1030 a.m. on Friday 6th January, 2017 at St. Finbar's R. CChurch, Morne Coco RoadDiego Martin. Cremation athe St. James CrematoriumLong Circular Road, StJames. For enquiries call RM. de Souza Memorial ChapeLimited 223-2007/637-2009.